Saturday, February 8, 2014

What it Is

Time is running out and all I can do is smirk.

There has been controversy in the United States regarding Bill O'Reilly's interview with President Obama. Geraldo Rivera, for example, claimed O'Reilly stripped President Obama of his majesty.

Majesty? When did we get a king?

The debate rages on over on MSNBC with the hosts preoccupied with Chris Christie closing a bridge in New Jersey. They are all up in arms about it, but claim Benghazi is a fabrication. They want to know when Christie knew what, but claim the IRS scandal is a fabrication.

The truth of the matter is this. Until President Obama leaves office, the mainstream media - like ABC, CBS, and NBC - will continue to be spewing left wing propaganda. ABC had a "news" story on 20/20 where they showed how easy and quick kids play with guns. The left wing doesn't think anyone should have a gun because guns kill people (not the people shooting the gun), meaning the government knows better than you do, but they also think it's okay to allow a woman to go into an abortion clinic and kill an innocent baby. They refuse to accept that a baby in the womb is alive and killing it is okay, but think that once the baby gets out of the womb, hey, it's a person and anyone that kills anyone - they should be punished. It's a wrong way street.

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