Saturday, April 27, 2013

Back to It

For the past few weeks, when I worked on any of the conversion projects, I sat in the living room on the couch and would watch TV but today, I'm starting out with a different strategy as I have come downstairs to the den, where I can have a second monitor and sit in my comfy desk chair as I rip / organize my files. It's peaceful.

Last night, Scary Robots rehearsed. I used Carol's voice recorder to document the rehearsal. I have always tried to document rehearsals. Up until Scary Robots, I used cassette tapes. I think I'd like to invest in a recorder of my own. Carol doesn't mind letting me borrow it but it would still be nice to have my own.

What I hear on the recording is a band making strides. The consensus was that we were sloppy. We had an issue with "Stuck in the Middle" - my example is I hit the snare instead of the hi-hat - and that's a song we've always been nailing. Next week is crazy busy for me so I'm not rehearsing until after that. Hopefully, by that time, the 15 songs I mentioned yesterday will be so ingrained in my head that I can't play them wrong. Matthew has talked about that idea before and I want to get to a point with those songs where I've achieved it.

I'm still optimistic about the August 24th gig and hope by the end of May, I can either accept or reject it. I really want to do it. It's intoxicating to think about playing rock & roll music in front of an audience again. I haven't done that since 1992 with Old Stew at Bonehead's. I think Scary Robots is the group of musicians I want to be on stage with to break that 21 year dry spell!

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