Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Cruising Through Life

Without taking this the wrong way, last night was an awesome night for me.

I sat on the couch, watching WWE Raw, which was a good show with interesting matches and a good flow and worked on the reconversion of my CDs. As a side note, between 4:13 PM and 10:25 PM, I modified 64 root folders under the music_shell folder - I call that progress. I have 30 left on Spindle #6.

Meanwhile, the rest of the family went about their business. Karen went to bed around 8:30 and Alex kept busy in the basement. Megan worked from 6 - 10 and then went to a friend's house for a sleepover since they don't have school tomorrow because of the arctic vortex that is sweeping the country.

Eventually, WWE Raw was over, I became satisfied with the progress I had made on the reconversion so I stopped reconverting and settled on the other couch to watch Two and 1/2 Men. I considered watching something on Netflix, which we signed up for on Sunday, but did not. I did DVR the episode "Squab Squab Squab Squab" because I think it's really funny. I will look later for a youtube clip to include here.

I sit here and think about work and life and feel awesome. What should have been a crazy busy week hasn't kicked into overdrive and won't until later today. Because Megan has a dentist appointment @ 4 & a doctor's appointment @ 5, the plan is for her to drive herself to the dentist. Meanwhile, as of this moment, Alex has a basketball game at 6 so he needs to be there, probably, around 5. I continue to drive Karen to work so on our way home tonight, I will be dropped off at the dentist and Karen will continue home. When Megan is done with the dentist, I will go with her to the doctor's appointment. After that, we are getting her flu shot at the pharmacy up the road. Then, when all of that is done, I will go to Alex's game.

If the game is cancelled, we talked about watching "Brian's Song" on Netflix and going to bed fairly early as Alex has practice tomorrow at 6 AM.

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