Monday, January 27, 2014

White PVC Pipes Point Up and other Observations

It turns out that while Megan and I were at 11 AM Mass yesterday, our furnace guy, Doug, came over. Apparently, turning the PVC pipe to let the water drain was incorrect. He cleaned a part and, ever since, the furnace has purred like a stroked cat.

Another observation I have is the 2014 edition of the Grammy's was on last night. Metallica played "One" with a Chinese pianist. I posted on Facebook:

Divided. Glad to hear metal on network TV, but not sold on playing "One" *again. So what if it is the 25th anniversary of playing it. I wonder how many people think that is their only good song? So many great songs they could have selected.

Judge for yourself.

Editor's Note - the video in question was removed from so it is no longer available for your viewing pleasure.

In other news, the CD reconversion continues. I have finished Spindle #9 and will begin Spindle #10 tonight. School was cancelled today because of the cold temperature and so that means I should be able to watch WWE Raw tonight. Alex's basketball game at Cedar Rapids Washington was postponed because the Cedar Rapids Community School District does not have school either. That translates into digging into Spindle #10. I ran the DOS batch file this morning and my count is 15394 File(s). I copied a large number of data CDs to my external hard drive and finished the "secret project". I am now making a copy of the "secret project" files so that I can integrate an additional 2250 File(s) files into the music_shell folder. I had previously kept the files not integrated because I didn't want to not be able to quickly locate the "secret project" files. The secret project is being integrated into the "reconversion" sub-folder but it's kind of misleading. These are CDs that were never previously in my collection.

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