Vision 1
For this blog, I want to reach 2000 posts by 12/31/2014. In order to do that, I must commit to write 48 blog posts a month for January - December. And when I write about a goal as lofty as that, I add the stipulation that the majority of these blog posts must be worth reading. Nothing makes me more frustrated with myself than to reread random posts from 2008 - 2010. I get frustrated because I neither tagged my posts properly nor wrote content that makes me want to read what I wrote. The way I see it, I have a lot of ideas running wild in my brain and I have an outlet for those ideas - this blog. Thus, I want to make 2014 the year during which I dump ideas - good, bad, ugly, whatever. That means, in essence, I have to write 577 posts (144 more than 2013). Here's a graphic of what I hope to accomplish in 2014:
Why Complete Vision #1?
Do I really have to do this - write that much on this blog? Am I really self-centered enough that I think I can fill up the Internet with my words? I am motivated by the number of blogs I encounter that include the word "daily" in their title, but then read them and find out these "daily" blogs haven't been updated in years. I saw one the other day that hadn't been updated since 2010.I also want to capture all the things going on in my life. This is a Big Deal to me because I am 44. Alex graduates in 2017. These next years are the ones I will never get back. On Monday night, we sat on the couch and I rented the GI Joe sequel. Alex was tired and after a bit, decided he was too tired to watch the movie so he went to bed. Once he went upstairs, I watched a documentary about the making of "Caddyshack" that I had recorded on the DVR. It was over at midnight, which is when I went to bed.
Vision #2
The fact that I was watching TV until midnight is the root of the motivation I used when I decided my second vision for 2014 - complete the CD reconversion by 11/1/2014. To reach that goal will require me to use self-discipline and not fall into bad habits, such as sitting in front of the TV, watching reruns of Two and 1/2 Men and/or The Big Bang Theory. Do I have the self-discipline to turn off the TV (or turn on the PC) and rip CDs while watching TV. On Monday, I did not. I didn't turn on the PC. The documentary was 2 hours long and, right there, I had hours I could have used to reconvert at least 20 CDs, based upon 3 minutes / CD. Had I spent that 2 hours on Monday on the reconversion, I would have been 1/2 done with my weekly quota. Do that a second night and I'm 80% there. Do it for just one more hour and I hit my 100 CDs for the week. In the following graphic, a spindle is 100 CDs.
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