Saturday, January 4, 2014

Grand Designs

I had grand designs to convert Mark's CD collection to MP3 for him, but when I began using Susie's laptop, the CDs were taking *forever* to convert. I had brought up my spindle of 50 "Life CDs" to continue my work on the CD reconversion. I am questioning whether I should bring Mark's CDs home with me today, when we return home, because he will be down to our home for Alex's confirmation at the end of February, which would give me plenty of time (I hope) to convert his CDs prior to that. Then, during the Confirmation weekend, I could simply copy his files from my external hard drive to his, assuming he remembers to bring it down.

In the meantime, I am hearing all about how cold the weather is going to be. The roads are drifting and the winds are fierce. We are leaving to return home prior to 5:15 PM Mass and then, I think we're going out to eat with the kids, who have been spending a lot of time alone. It isn't the Christmas break I imagined for them, but I also know that Alex was working on moving his pictures to his iPod.

I drew his name for Christmas and got him a t-shirt from the Shinedown concert we attended in August. I also got him a Skillet CD. He made out like a bandit.

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