Sunday, March 24, 2013


When I eat out at a restaurant, typically I get pop - Mountain Dew if they have it - with my meal. It's playing with fire when I do, though, as experience has taught me that fountain pop doesn't always agree with me. I tend to overindulge.

Drinking fountain pop is very similar to when I would drink beer. Back in the day, I could have a couple of  beers and be fine. However, there was always a point in the evening where I would near a threshold. I could choose between "good" and "evil." If I chose "good", I would switch from beer to water and if I chose "evil", I would order another beer and disregard the internal warning sirens going off in my head. The same type of situation holds true with fountain pop.

Last night, after Mass at St. Pat's, the 8 of us went to Doughy Joey's in Cedar Falls for supper. I had a large Calzone with double pepperoni and double sausage. I was drinking Mountain Dew and after a couple of glasses, I did not switch to water. I should have.

Long story short, I felt miserable. When we finally left Cedar Falls, Karen drove home. I laid on the third seat in our van and slept. That's atypical for me as I usually do the driving on family trips. I think I fell asleep between getting on Highway 20 from the UNI campus exit to getting on Interstate 380. We got home around 11.

The moral of the story is quite simple. When I get to the fork in the road, choose "good" because choosing "evil" is not worth it.

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